August 28, 2006

some new shots of Gavin

Filed under: Uncategorized — erin @ 7:44 pm

here are some of Gavin’s favorite activities!

here he is petting Frida…they get along fairly well, unless he goes for the tail.

here is Gavin with Daddy. Gavin crawls down the hallway and then Daddy runs after him and scoops him up and runs back to starting line. Gavin thinks this is hilarious!

Gavin loves baths/swimming pools. He has a great time splashing and dunking toys under the water.

and this is him in the pool doing his silly scrunched-up smile.

August 14, 2006

Order of Business 2A: chase and pet the cats

Filed under: Uncategorized — erin @ 11:56 pm

Chris and I have noticed that Gavin is making a new sound, especially when he’s looking at a cat. It sounds like “Ta” or “Ata.” We think he’s working on saying “Cat.” Before now he was only making “ba”, “da” and “ma” noises, mostly. This morning he saw Radar and kept saying “Ta” over and over very excitedly.

Seems his first word might not be “Meow” after all. Ha ha.

August 5, 2006

birthday party pictures

Filed under: Uncategorized — erin @ 6:06 am

here’s the birthday boy opening some presents

here are some of gavin enjoying a cupcake!

and here’s gavin having fun in his baby pool

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