pictures of the day
here’s gavin being silly
and here’s one of lilah’s excited face
We all have been very very busy here. And there’s always more that needs doing than time available. Lilah has been busy sleeping, crying, eating and dirtying diapers. Chris has been busy working for Albertsons, working on web site design, and doing lots of household work. Gavin has been busy climbing out of his bed at all hours of the night, playing hard, chasing cats, and the last day or so, being sick with a cold. I have been busy taking care of Lilah, trying to give Gavin adequate attention, doing laundry and occasionally trying to use the bathroom or brush my teeth and thinking of all the other things I need to be getting done. Eek!
Here is Gavin looking at Lilah, who’s very interested in him too.
Gavin is off to a great start in his brotherly role. He’s offered his sister a truck, patted her head, laughed at her silly faces, and tried to feed her potato chips. He’s been very positive about her showing up in his house and life and I am so proud of him for his generous attitude. He does get sad that he can’t spend time with his Mama every time he’d like and sometimes he gets upset by the sound of her screaming. He’s been a bit clingier than usual and a bit more prone to tantrums. I wish that the adjustment was easier for him and that I could comfort him every time he wants, but we both enjoy the moments we can cuddle together.
Gavin has also been making huge leaps in his communication! Just in the last several weeks, he’s started signing a whole lot more and using verbal words more too. Yesterday he signed “cheese” for the first time and it was in context…no prompting! I can’t wait till he’s chattering away.
Lilah is a pretty happy baby most of the time. She’s not awake a lot yet but she likes having her diaper changed and she smiles when she sees our faces up close to hers. She makes little cooing noises that are so cute and also she makes really funny and loud grunts and honks that make us laugh sometimes.
I am so excited to think about Lilah being able to interact with Gavin and how much fun they will have together. It won’t be long at all now before she will start trying to do everything her big brother does.
p.s. Lilah now has her very own ticker with an accurate age at the bottom! Check it out.
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