February 16, 2008

quick note

Filed under: Uncategorized — erin @ 5:55 pm

Gavin received a very cute Valentine card from Grandpa and Grandma Reynolds with a cut-out construction worker and cut-out tools for him to hold. Yesterday Chris and I were fixing the kitchen sink…again….and Gavin ran over to where his card was and picked out the paper screwdriver and then ran over to the kitchen to help!

Lilah has been practicing her invisible bicycle riding.

February 14, 2008

much ado…

Filed under: Uncategorized — erin @ 9:10 pm

Happy Valentines Day!

All my valentines and I have been busy here. Gavin has discovered cooking and is fascinated with helping in the kitchen. So much so that he’s always begging us to go into the kitchen and cook all throughout the day. It’s fun to have him involved and so excited about it, but when he wants to go cook pasta at 10 in the morning again, and doesn’t want to eat said pasta, it gets a bit old. However, when the time is right we have lots of fun. Last night Gavin and I made almond butter cookies and he helped arrange the cookies on the baking sheet.

We all had the flu terribly a few weeks ago and Gavin seems to have another bout going on now, but not as intense. Lilah has been laughing, playing with toys, trying to sit up and trying out her exersaucer.

Gavin has been saying lots of new words. He likes to sing. One of his favorites is “Head and shoulders, knees and toes.” He sings “knees and toes.” He said his name (the first time I’ve ever heard that) just a minute ago.

Chris and I have been incredibly busy trying to juggle web site building and playing with Gavin and Lilah, so this blog hasn’t been kept up well lately. Anyway, here are some new pictures of us.

Here are Lilah and Daddy cuddling around Christmas http://jazzsequence.com/gavin/upload/2007-12-20-lilah%20002%20%281%29.jpg

Gavin loves to play with balls. Ball is also one of his favorite words.

Gavin and Lilah are hanging out together and Gavin is telling Lilah to smile for the camera.

Gavin and Mama are cuddling on the couch. Gavin has been sick and feeling yucky a lot recently.

Lilah is contemplating playing with a toy.

Lilah sees her Daddy talking to her!

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