November 16, 2008

drink yr poot

Filed under: stories — Tags: , , — Chris Reynolds @ 11:52 am

we’ve been potty training g with some success, although the number 2 has been a bit more of a challenge.  but because of this, the words pee pee and poop have become more common in our everyday vernacular.  except gavin does not say poop, for whatever reason.  he prefers “poot.”

a couple weeks ago we were out of coffee creamer.  this is a sad and dire day in our lives, the day without coffee creamer.  all we had to cream our coffee was almond milk, which is not the same.  i thought i could make myself a bit of a ghetto mocha, using some microwave chocolate sauce i had lying around.  so i put that in, but it did not taste very chocolatey.  experiment fail.  

however, when i was done with my coffee there was a large unseemly lump of brown at the bottom of my coffee cup.  i thought it looked rather like poop and said so.  erin says “look gavin!  there’s poop in daddy’s coffee mug!”  gavin looks over, interestedly.

“POOT!” he says, excitedly, and points at the bottom of the mug.  “POOT!”

we would say something here, but we’re too busy laughing our heads off.  for example, i’d like to assure gavin that i don’t really drink poot.  but he’s so excited about the poot in my mug, do i really want to crush the illusion?

so this morning, gavin comes over and sees my mug.  “Poot?” he asks, and leans over to check.

no, gavin, no poot today.  and it will be a long time before i live this down…

November 7, 2008

it was halloween!

Filed under: archive — Tags: , , , , — erin @ 11:51 pm

here are some pictures of halloween cuties.

and here’s one of mama and lilah from lilah’s first birthday party

and lilah and daddy on her b-day

Remember to click on pictures to view larger.

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