March 24, 2009

more recent pictures

Filed under: pictures — Tags: , , — erin @ 8:07 pm


Gavin and Daddy having some fun together on a sunny afternoon


Lilah hamming it up for the camera


The view I have when I cuddle with Gavin… Mr. Bright Eyes


A little smile

March 22, 2009

two pictures tonight, more to come

Filed under: pictures — Tags: , , — erin @ 8:01 pm

Gavin is thinking hardhere’s Gavin thinking hard about something

Lilah in the blocksand here’s Lilah posing in the block house

Remember you can click on the pictures to see them larger!

March 13, 2009

chapstick for Gavin… a solution

Filed under: Uncategorized — erin @ 9:54 am

Gavin has been sick lately…two colds in a row!  It’s gotten so bad that his upperlip and mouth are cracking, red, raw and obviously hurting.  If he let me put chapstick on him, it wouldn’t get so bad, but he absolutely refuses and wipes it off if I do.  Finally, the last few days I figured out how to get past this.  The only way I can put chapstick on Gavin is by kissing him!  So, I load up with chapstick and then kiss it onto him and he is fine with this and doesn’t wipe it off.  I’m amused and very relieved that I can help his poor skin now.

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