July 30, 2010

gavin turns 5

Filed under: pictures — Tags: , , , , — Chris Reynolds @ 10:23 pm

i haven’t been doing the best job of posting pics up here, i know.  i realize this as the most recent pics are from g’s graduation, now almost 3 months gone.  that said, i have been keeping things updated on flickr, so you can check out the latest pics (sans witticisms) there (presuming you are my “friend”, which you have to be to see pics of us or the kids.  sorry, stalker prevention measures.)  recent sets over there include:

to see these pics on flickr, head over to my flickr page and then click on “add jazzs3quence as a contact” under the “jazzs3quence’s photostream” heading (farthest on the right).

good.  now that’s out of the way.

can you believe it’s been 5 years?

it’s so dumbfounding i literally can’t think of anything else to say.  since pictures are supposed to speak a thousand words, here’s a couple thousand to speak in my stead.

Happy 5th birthday, Gavin!

(note: these images have been digitally altered for prettiness.  to see the unaltered versions, and more pics, go to the flickr photoset.)

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